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5785 High Holiday Member Form

High Holiday Attendance
In preparation for this year's High Holidays, please read each question carefully and indicate how you will be joining us. This year, we will continue to offer a streaming option.

Your Membership includes High Holiday Tickets for those in your Household.

Note- 1/4 of your Membership Dues must be paid or you must be enrolled in a payment plan as of September 1, 2024 to receive your High Holiday Tickets.

This form is due Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Rosh Hashanah

Select all that apply

Yom Kippur

Select all that apply
Including morning services, Yizkor and the Annual Seminar.
(Please Note: The Annual Seminar is a benefit for members and their guests. If you have any questions call the Kol Shalom Office.)
Including Mincha, Neila, Maariv, and the Final Shofar Blast

Click here for Guest Tickets or Babysitting
Guest Tickets
A Guest can include Adult Children, Grandchildren, Relatives or Friends.

Erev Rosh Hashanah - Wednesday, October 2, 2024
@ 6:30pm
Under age 13
Rosh Hashanah Day One - Thursday, October 3, 2024
@ 8:30am
Under age 13
Rosh Hashanah Day Two- Friday, October 4, 2024
@ 8:30am
Under age 13

Under age 13
Yom Kippur Morning- Saturday, October 12, 2024 @ 9:00am
Under age 13
Yom Kippur Afternoon- Saturday, October 12, 2024 @ 4:45pm
Under age 13

Children's Services
Rosh Hashanah - Day One 

Pre-K to 2nd grade @10:45am
3rd to 7th grade @ 11:45am
Children's Services
Yom Kippur

Pre-K to 2nd grade @11:00am
3rd to 7th grade @ 11:55am

Adults $125 per Holiday per person
   Rosh Hashanah
   Yom Kippur
   Rosh Hashanah
   Yom Kippur
Children $65 per Holiday per person
Under age 13
   Rosh Hashanah
   Yom Kippur
Babysitting (2-5 years)
Samantha from the Kol Shalom office will follow up with additional questions.

Additional Opportunities:
By Submitting this form, I agree to the charges above (if applicable) billed to my account and making a timely payment.
Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784