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Musical Munchkins Fall 2024 Registration

Tuesdays, 10:30 am - 11:15 am
October 15 - December 17

(skip October 29th)
Interactive music class for little ones aged 6 months - 2 years with their parent, grandparent or babysitter. Children will have the opportunity to learn Jewish and secular songs, play varied rhythm instruments and explore movement using various props. Led by experienced Early Childhood Music Educator, Hazzan Sally Heckelman.
If different than above
Photo Authorization:
I hereby give permission to Kol Shalom to use photos of my child/children taken at Musical Munchkins in promotional publicity and ads.
Sign and Date
Members $225
Non-Members $270

Please complete a second registration if registering multiple children.
Sat, October 12 2024 10 Tishrei 5785